I've said it on my blog many times and I've seen it discussed on other blogs, too, but one of the most difficult parts of pursuing anything worthwhile is finding balance--juggling all the bits that make this YOUR LIFE.
Kids' activities
Cleaning bathtubs
It's tough!
I feel like I was doing okay before.
When my daughter started competitive gymnastics this fall, I thought I'd be able to keep all the balls in the air. But I found myself slipping.
Mine is on the right |
The first balls to drop are the online ones, of course. I forget to blog sometimes. And I know I've been terrible at visiting blogs for months now.
At the same time, I know I don't always use my time effectively. When I'm tired, I sometimes space in front of Facebook or Twitter, which are lovely distractions (and I'm keeping up with friends!) but not very substantive.
All this to say, please bear with me. I'm not giving up the blog. I'm one of those weirdos who really enjoy blogging. But if I disappear for a little while from time to time, you'll know I'm just juggling away over here. I have all these great kids who are growing up and doing amazing things, and that's the ball I have to keep in the air. And I need to find time for writing, too, and occasionally cleaning my bathtub.
I guess I'm just asking for special Christmas grace. This is a learning curve for all of us, as life deepens and stretches us.
I know I've asked it before, but I'll ask it again, because I love good advice:
How do you balance everything?