Needless to say it was an exhausting morning. I ran between our new house (still laying floors, by the way; the cabinets are sitting in boxes in the kitchen; and even though our renovations aren't going as quickly as we had planned, it's all coming together beautifully) and Aaron's parents' house (where we are still living) where I baked, sliced, and decorated for Gabe's birthday party.

Most importantly, Gabe loved it.
And it tasted pretty good too.

I'm incredibly thankful for Gabe. This may sound trite, but I couldn't ask for a more wonderful son. He's sweet, thoughtful, affectionate, not to mention incredibly intelligent, absurdly handsome, irresistibly cuddly, and boundlessly energetic. What more could a mom want?
It's hard to believe that it's been six years since he lay in my arms at the hospital in Beijing. We slept curled up next to each other that first night. I couldn't bare to put him in his bassinet. I remember how aware he was of me, how he snuggled up close and adjusted his breathing to mine -- or did I adjust my breathing to his? I remember how I couldn't go to sleep because I was so busy staring at him.
And sometimes I still find myself staring and holding him and not wanting to let him go. He still runs up to me and wraps his arms around me. He tells me he loves me. He smacks me with kisses. Sometimes slobbery ones.
Though he's getting taller and running faster and reading books all by himself, he's still a little boy.
Thank goodness.
Happy Birthday sweet Gabe!
I miss you guys!!! :'(