Wednesday, November 9, 2011

All Things Are Possible

It was one of those evenings where I looked at my band of alternately crying and hyperactive children and thought to myself:
  1. I have to feed all these children
  2. I have to get all these children in their pajamas
  3. I have to motivate all these children to clean up their messes
  4. I have to read books to all these children
  5. I have to somehow get all these children to brush their teeth and get in bed
But now, you see, it's past nine o'clock, and here I sit in front of the computer with a steaming cup of tea. All those children are asleep. The house is quiet. The living room is (slightly) picked up. The Dashingly Handsome Sidekick is home from football practice.

All things are possible.

Number of words written today=zero (but I'm about to remedy that right after this blog post)

How was your day?


  1. Your evening sounds a lot like mine (minus a few kids). Except I gave up on the living room. After spending twenty minutes just wrestling them into their pajamas, I decided I'd done enough.

  2. I hope your writing was as successful last night as your corralling skills :-)

  3. This sounds exactly like a scene out of House of Diamonds. You are Marcie McGill.

  4. My have tos pile up on my head like 10 Apples Up On Top!

    I'm waiting and working hard to get to know my MC better so I write her well.

    ~ Wendy

  5. Love your optimism! Good for you!

  6. This post made me smile at the thought how quickly mom's and wives recover from a stressful day and are lovingly ready to go again the next:)

  7. Hugs, Amy. I had one of those days yesterday. All things were possible ... but I did not work on my revisions.

  8. Love the AGHHHHHHHHHHHHH bit!
    That is no mean achievement, now write, write, write!

  9. You have 5, I have 3 and I still feel that every day;). You are a sister of my heart.

  10. Whew....that's some evening! You for sure need a nice cup of tea and a bubble bath after everyone goes to bed. :)

    Happy writing!

  11. My day was remarkably similar and don't knock the blog post word count! At least you got that in. I've got in two critiques and three journal pages, but no fictional writing and I don't feel like it was a completely wasteful day. Maybe not as productive as I would have liked, but not a total loss. ;D

  12. Gosh, I remember those feelings and I only have two children (both grown up now!) And of course you had written down words because I've just read them.

  13. Aw, I definitely have days like that a lot. I hope you got some great writing done!

  14. Moms are superheroes, I tell ya! I hope you got some good writing done.

  15. It's nice when you finally have that quiet time, huh? I soooo look forward to those times. :-)
    I had six kids in my house today--and only one was mine. LOL It was LOUD.

  16. Wow, I'm so impressed!! I feel like pulling my hair out after getting two to bed and then leaving the oldest one to his own devices until nine. Yeesh.


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